The Last Thing You Need This Christmas Is A Plumbing Problem!

christmas plumbing disaster - how to avoid

Big holiday meal preparation and clean-up can lead to a lot of waste in the kitchen drains which put a strain on the plumbing system. 

Avoid a visit from your plumber this holiday by following these blockage-prevention tips:

  • Never pour fat or cooking oil down drains as they solidify in pipes. Instead, wipe grease from pots with paper towels and discard them in the bin. If you have a lot, let it cool and solidify (you will see why it blocks in the pipes!) scrape it into an old takeaway container or old plastic shopping bag and seal and place it in the bin.
  • Avoid putting rice, pasta or coffee grinds down the drain, they expand with water and quickly cause blockages

As always, if you need help with any plumbing or drain problem, your Mr Washer Plumber To The Rescue is always available 24/7


We’ve done out best to make the steps above as simple as possible, but please bear in mind that the above information is general and is by no means a substitute for comprehensive professional advice. Before working on your home plumbing, you should always consult a licensed professional.

The key to keeping costs low on your plumbing is identifying faults whilst they are still minor and easily fixable, before they become larger problems, which cause serious damage to your heater or your property – not to mention the safety risks.

At best, a hot water heater malfunction can be a frustrating nuisance; at worst, it can literally explode, which could spell disaster for your home.

Regular maintenance of your hot water heater is a great way to save in the long run. But there are some jobs that really should be left to the experts; heaters are delicate and temperamental, and can be dangerous if you’re not careful.

A DIY inspection is a great first step; but the expertise of your local superhero plumbers Sydney-wide, you’re always in safe hands. We’ve got 30 years of experience saving Sydney from hot water heater disasters!

Check your heater manual; on average, manufacturers recommend a professional investigation every year or two. This investigation will turn up any issues that may be invisible to the untrained eye!

What’s more, with fully stocked vans on the go 24/7, the team at Plumber To The Rescue can repair or replace your heater that day, and get your water back on track.

Your local Plumber To The Rescue Sydney plumber is the plumber Sydney trusts for every hot water job.

With amazing customer care keeping you in the loop the whole way through, you won’t be in the dark; we’ll keep you in the know every step of the job, from the time you call until it comes time to settle the bill, and it comes time for you to enjoy your new hot water heater.

Never fear the cold shower again: Plumber To The Rescue is here! Contact us now, or call 1800 620 227 for more information.

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David at Plumber To The Rescue